Well, as my 'about me' section states, I am going to be walking the Great Wall of China in September and thought that it may be fun to share my training woes with you lot!
So Day 1 of the new fitness kick was today... I must be honest, I wasn't feeling particularly motivated this morning so I went back to bed until 11am (good start, Kel!!) However, when I did drag myself up I decided that given I'm so unfit I'd start 'small' and take a stroll up Kilvey Hill in Swansea and time myself in the process to monitor my general fitness levels.
So with dog in tow we started the ascent to the radio masts at the very top. Half way up we were almost run over by a nutter tearing down the path on his mountain bike! That was fun. So adrenalin pumping, legs aching and my lungs burning we continued onwards and upwards. I was actually quite impressed that I made it to the top in under 20 minutes! Go me! So we stopped to admire the view for a couple of minutes and have a bit of 'stick time' then headed back down along a much longer route than the ascent. I nearly lost a shoe in a boggy area halfway down (note to self - dont text and walk at the same time - it's perilous!). And that's about it really! Haha What an anti-climax that story was!
I did it in 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Come back soon for the next thrilling installment!!
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