Thursday, 21 April 2011

Day 6. I feel wonky.

Today I worked. I took the stairs this morning alongside a lady a good few years older than me. (She was going to the 4th floor) and quite frankly, she put me to shame. While I was puffing and panting she was chatting away with all of her breath in tact. She was lovely and even gave me the email address of her organisations communications team to raise awareness of my plight! Nice.
My esteemed colleague (and bezzy mate) was uber supportive at lunchtime and took the stairs with me both down and back up. And that was after walking around town for half an hour looking for sunnies. That was quite an effort. Cheers, Bird! :O)
I ate another lovely mixed salad with loads of good stuff in it from the Market for lunch and thought I would take a chance on another tin of (hopefully) fruit salad. I cracked it open and it was a delight to look at. In all it's glory there sat a cherry AND a grape! On top of an entire tin of crunchy chopped pears. I'm hoping that the next (and last) tin has a slither of pineapple too...
Anyway - I've been feeling a bit wonky today. Some of you may know that I broke my back recently. (Not literally broken - a couple of rotated vertebrae in my lower back was all it was. But it felt broken I can tell you.) Well today I've felt like I need a damn good clicking. Doesn't hurt but... I just need to be clicked. With this in mind I made a judgement call on my training.
Got home from work 4:15 ish, sun was warm... Alright, alright, we went to the secret beach. I actually felt guilty for not taking on a hill tonight but that guilt quickly dissipated when I stepped onto a warm beach totally devoid of people. Just me and dog. Lovely. 
We walked for about an hour and a half... yeah I was slack on the timings today too. Sorry.
So now, I'm sat in my kitchen with a glass of wine. I figured it's allowed because I've had a 'bad day'. I'll get back on it tomorrow. :O)
I'll be back tomorrow evening to inflict more of my lameness on you.

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